Oh how time… Runs away? 

Since my last blog post, I have gotten pregnant, and had another beautiful baby girl! I know I go back and forth with my blogging, but 10 months is something! My little angle Korra is 2 years old now and my new little mouse  Freya is 8 weeks old. I didn’t even realize it had been that long until just now.  My parenting struggles are real.  Dealing with a needy 2 year old and a screaming infant is no easy thing.  But we will manage.  I will say this, if these are the “terrible two’s” everyone is going on about, I don’t get it… Yeah we’ve had better days.  But it’s not all that bad…. Only about once a week do I have a night that I wanna rip my hair out in frustration.  But that’s usually when I have Korra screaming at me to read her a book or sing a song, then little freya starts fussing because she is hungry. All that at 3am.  Then yes, that is Korra’s terrible two’s.  Here are some up to date pics of my Korra bug and little freya mouse!  


Finally get a look at daddy 🙂 🔽🔽🔽

^^^^ this one is my favorite ^^^^

Korra wanted to help with the yard work.  She did a wonderful job… Then had to immediately take a shower afterwords 🙂
Good night bloggers 🙂

Oh my gosh!!

I just realized that random people are actually reading my blog… My latest notification told me I had 16 followers…. Wow… I know it’s probably nothing to the avid blogger, but this is pretty freakin cool. A poor country girl pretending to be a writer. And people actually like it 🙂 I have to admit, I’m kinda giddy right now.

On a side note, it’s 7am and I still haven’t slept yet… I’m gonna get some shut eye before my little angel wakes up. Good night, not so imaginary readers!!

“Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.”

Allen Klein

Very fun- busy day

Today my niece and nephew came over for a visit, and for the first time, all three of the kids were chasing and yelling and having a ball. Then afterwords we all went up to ya-ya’s house and had a good chicken dinner. We all had a blast playing and hanging out. After Korra and I came back down she curled up on my lap and watched me play my iPad. It was 5 mins I noticed she had dosed off! She rarely falls asleep on me, she must have been so tired to have done that.

Time is irrelevant Ina child’s eye I think. They pout or fuss when it’s time to go, time for a clean diaper, time to go to bed, or time do do something else. The transitions between activities are the toughest for me and Korra.

I’m rambling again, my mind jumps from one thing to another with no common threads or meaning…. I hope you enjoy my pointless ramblings :))!

Quote of the post 🙂
“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”

Willie Nelson

The Importance Of Recognizing Real Love

I was truly touched by this post. Very often my husband says I like you. And from a random persons perspective you might think that it was strange because he didn’t say I love you. You love your family, siblings, and parents. But sometimes you don’t like them. You love them and would probably do most anything for them because they are blood. But it takes liking someone to truly love them.
I’ve been with my husband since 2010… Within 3 months we knew we were meant to be together and were married by April of 2011. We have no secrets and we are each others sole mate. We haven’t had one real fight since we met (unless you count pregnancy hormones at the end of my pregnancy). We have this understanding that most people don’t understand. We often look at TV relationships and wonder why people settle? Doesn’t everyone want happiness? Or if you thought you were happy and things go south, why stay in it? Everyone deserves happiness and love, so don’t settle for lust, greed or making others happy. Only you can make yourself happy 🙂

James Michael Sama

Why do people who love you always lie to you and think it’s okay?

Why do people who love you try to change you?

Why do people who love you prevent you from doing what you love?

These are just a few of the questions I receive from readers frequently, and all have the same answer:

They don’t.


People who truly love you do not do these, or other negative things to you. People who really love you will not betray your trust. They will not lie to you, especially repeatedly. Love is a product of honesty, trust, and mutual respect – without those things you cannot have real love.

This may be infatuation masquerading as love. This may be someone who is trying to control you and keep you with them by making you think that they love you. This may be someone you are attached to who you…

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I’ve been away….

I’m glad to say I’m back from a kind of vacation of blogging…. I know it seems silly to vacation from blogging but in reality, LIFE HAPPENED. Plus it doesn’t help I have a horrid memory and the attention of a toddler. Speaking of, my little Korra is getting so big! 16 months just fly by when your chasing a little one. Plus birthdays, holidays and random doctor stuff with my sis and step dad. Time just escapes the brain without even realizing. My life has indeed been busy as of late. Mainly with chasing Korra around the house and coming up with new ideas to make her laugh and have fun. Winter is just now setting in. Korra doesn’t really know what to think of it. I’m trying to get into WoW, and I love it but the only time I can play is when Korra is napping, if I am doing anything on the pc she wants to be in my lap seeing what I’m doing. I may as well change this blog title…. My mind is all about Korra now….


Medical mumbo jumbo…

So, I was rushed to the ER last night… I had a really bad pain in my side. I was afraid my appendix was bursting, mom was worried about my gallbladder. By the time we had reached the hospital the pain had subsided a great deal.

It’s a 40 min drive to the hospital.

Since last may I have a new pain scale, my 10 is now 12 hours of child birth WITHOUT an epidural. On the way to the hospital my pain level was at a 9… The pain was on the right, tucked under my rib cage. My back was radiating with pain and it hurt to move, I was so worried it was very serious…

As soon as we get there the pain started easing off so then I was scared is was just some freak pain they would never diagnose(which may still be the issue). They did an ultrasound and gave me pain medicine. He didn’t see anything weird on the ultrasound but he said he wanted to send me to have it checked out by an ultrasound technician just in case he missed something. My labs came back clear so he is thinking I have something wrong with my gallbladder. I go in tomorrow morning for the ultrasound, hopefully we can get this sorted so this never happens again…. I only want to hurt like that again if I’m in labor… >.<

Quote of the day:
What we think, we become.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make the world.
– The Buddha

Things I wish I’d known about grief

Stephen Liddell

I wasn’t sure if I was going to post anything today or not but I thought why not, it will likely be the last post on my Mam and I thought this one might be more positive and help others.

Sorry, I have missed the odd post this last 2 weeks but I have been very busy with tour guiding a wonderful family in and around London for 10 days.   I can’t take credit for the words that follow as they were originally posted here.

Heaven Be that as it may, I’d still rather have my Mam in my house.

1. You will feel like the world has ended. I promise, it hasn’t. Life will go on, slowly. A new normal will come, slowly.

2. No matter how bad a day feels, it is only a day.  When you go to sleep crying, you will wake up to a new…

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Way too early (For me anyways)

My husband woke me up by accident when he got home from work today.  He works 3rd so really it was around 9am.  I know, its not that early.  I’m usually up around 11 or so.  But anyways, I finally got around to posting pictures I’ve been working on.  Apparently it takes longer than i thought to write a story line with Sims.  I knew it wasn’t going to be super easy or anything, but I love Sims and I guessed it was going to be as easy as playing.  I’m just rambling now, so instead of reading this ramble why don’t you scroll down a couple posts and read or re-read my story.  It has some illustrations with Sims!  Enjoy!

Long day, Late night

This has been a very productive day today, and this is also the first time I have typed on a laptop in a very long time…

Today started kinda late, Roy got up with Korra this morning and let me sleep in a little.  His boss is being weird with is work schedule and he has been going back and forth from day shift to night shift.  Its been hard on us as well as him, trying to start our day quietly is really hard.  Anyway, he let me sleep in, I got up and did my morning routine.  We tried to go get Roy’s hair cut before work, but the barber shop was not open (That happened a lot today).  We got back home and Roy got ready for work, I got Korra ready for her nap.  I went back out with my step dad Randy after Roy left for work, Mom was watching Korra of course.  Randy had to cash some checks and I needed to pay a few bills.  But like I said, everywhere was closed… it was almost a wasted trip.  So we get back home and mom is having so much fun with Korra she lets me do my own thing for a while.  I decide to start working on a project I’ve been wanting to do for a long time.  I start digging out a path for a walkway.  I bought a concrete forum that looks like cobblestone after you pour the concrete.  Its going to be a path out to the middle of the yard and a circular pad in front of the theater screen we have.  I will post updates and pictures as i work on it.  But I finally started working on it!  After Korra came back down to the house(FYI: Moms house is about 100 ft away) we had dinner and I put her down for bed, then I cleaned my kitchen! I know not a big deal to some people, but I’m a very lazy person (Don’t Judge!).  All the work I have done today is more work than i have done in a while.  I am very proud of myself and I hope this energy and attitude sticks!

I hope you liked what I write! Please if you haven’t already, read chapter one of my book!  If enough people like it I will post chapter 2!

Now for a quote… I haven’t done one in a couple of posts.

~Just keep swimming!~ Dory~Finding Nemo  <–My most favorite quote of all.  So much power in three little words.

Chapter 1

The Woods

“Ashley! We are going to miss the bus!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming!”  I said as I came into view.  As soon as I spotted her I took off past her towards the open door.
“Come on Ash, we are going to be late!”    I said in a mocking voice, then smiled as we ran to the bus.

Ash is my best friend.  Ash is tall with dark green eyes and long curly dark brown hair.  We have been best friends since the first day of middle school.  When we found out that both of our names were Ashley.   We cut nicknames out of it, she was Ash and I was Leigh.
It’s Friday at the end of march, and we are half way through the last semester of our senior year at high school.  We have been inseparable for the past 7 years and we always have something to talk about.
“I can’t believe we are so close to graduation.  It seems like yesterday we were the scared little freshmen.” Ash was telling me.
“I know.  It is hard to believe.”  I trailed off, staring out the window.  The truth of it was, it was the easiest thing in the world to believe. I wanted high school to be over so badly, I was counting the seconds.  I hated the high school drama, the cliques, and how every one thought they were better than every one else. Somehow I know I don’t belong in this world.  Even after high school, what then?  Maybe college and a job?  I didn’t want any of it.  I liked my head in the clouds, staring up at the stars at night wondering if there was such a place that didn’t have all this mundane society nonsense.  Ash felt the same way.  I guess that’s why we stayed so close over the years.  I turned my attention to Ash.
“I just wish that their were more to life than this…”  I trailed back off looking out the window.

I just turned 18, and my name is Ashley.  I am short with light green eyes, and long light brown hair.  My dad left my mom right before I was born.  When Ash and I were freshmen, a lot of things changed us.  My dad tried to come back into my life.  After the initial shock of things my mother and I realized that he was a raging alcoholic and ended his part in my life.  As for Ash, she found out that her mom had met someone, shortly after she married him and brought his two sons into the family as well.  Ash was really tore up about it, because her mom was her life.  Now her mom barely notices that she is there.  All they do is fight, I hate to see my best friend go through that.  So we both came up with the idea to start pretending to go on adventures in the woods having sword fights with mythical creatures.  Sometimes when we are sad, even now, we still go into the woods and pretend.
We got off the bus and when we got into the commons area I gave Ash a hug.
“We will find our place in life one day.”  She whispered in my ear.
“I hope so.”
“See you in band.”
“K, Bye.”
As the day goes by as usual, the only class I have with Ash is band.  Our fourth and last class.  It was the only thing I was semi-good at in high school.  I played the French horn, and percussion.  Ash played the trumpet.
After school we rode the bus back to her house.  Her mom and her step dad worked at the hospital.  They don’t get off work until 7.  Her step brothers when to a different school and they wont be home for another hour or so.
I slung my book bag in the corner of Ash’s room.  Her house was a cute little single story home, with three bed rooms and a bathroom.  The boys shared a room.  Outside there was a huge forest behind their house.  Ash put her book bag down next to mine then went straight for the kitchen.  We fixed ourselves a sandwich and sat down at the table.
“I hate school.  I am so glad that we are seniors so it will be over with soon.”  Ash said.
“Yeah, me too.  So what do you want to do today?”
“Well, we can go walking in the woods, watch T.V., or OH,  I know!  We can check out that cool new video game I bought the other day!
“Sounds great!  Lets go walking tomorrow, that way we have more time.”
“Ok, cool.”

So we finished eating and curled up on the floor in her room and played a really cool RPG, about a female adventurer, from the mid-evil times.  Taking missions from people and killing giant spiders and being a hero.

The next morning I woke up feeling strange.   Like something was going to happen.  We gathered our water bottles and some crackers in a backpack.  I grabbed my walking stick as she was fastening her dagger to her belt.  She grabbed her walking stick and we headed out the door.  We went around back and headed for our usual trail.
“I wish we could really escape this world.”  I said.
“Yeah, I know.  That would be awesome.”
We both loved to read.  Especially the fantasy novels with a big adventure.  Of course this was the real world where nothing ever happens.  We get to the trail head when I hear a loud snap behind us.  We both jerked our heads around, be we didn’t see anything.  So we shrugged if off and kept going, even though it sounded like someone rather than something.
We get down to the creek and went right.  Ash looks across the small creek and stops dead.
“What’s up?”
“Look,” she said pointing at the clearing straight across from us.
“I have been in these woods countless times and I have never seen that there before.”
“And it looks fairly worn down too.  Lets go check it out.” I said as I started across the creek.  Ash grabs my arm.  “Are you mental?  That trail appears out of nowhere and you want to go down it?”
“Well sure, think about it Ash.  We were down this exact path last weekend.  This trail had to come from somewhere.  This could be that one chance we were just talking about.  This could be it!”
“Well, I guess you are right.  But if this is it, then we are using our other names if we meet any one. I am Brin, and you are Nedra.  Okay?”
“Alright then, Brin. What are we waiting for?”
In an instant, we have no choice.  We here growls coming from all around us.  And then we see them.  Huge wolves the size of small cars, nearly surrounding us.  We have no other option I take her hand and we bolt for the mysterious new trail. We run together as fast as we can with the wolves snapping at us, it was at least a mile before we realized they were gone.


I drop to my knees out of  exhaustion, as Brin fell to my side.
“Where did they go?”
“I don’t know, but it almost looked like they were herding us into this trail.”
“That would make sense. They were huge.  They could have eaten us whole.”
“They were inches away from us snapping, when they could have taken off our heads.”
I stood up and looked around, but I did not want to believe my eyes.
“Do you remember how we followed the trail as we were running?
“Yeah?” She said a little panicked.
“Well its not behind us any more…”
Brin stood up and turned on the spot.   Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung slightly.
“I don’t know.  But there is only one way to find out.” I said grabbing her shoulder.
“I smell the adventure we have been waiting for…”
We both grin at one another and start walking the trail again.  I finally relax enough to look at the scenery around us.  We were surrounded by tall mossy oaks, and full green pines.  I could hear water rushing nearby, and birds were singing in the trees.  We walked another mile or so, and finally see a clearing up ahead.
I hear rustling of trees, I turn my head towards the sound but see nothing.  I look all around for the source of the noise, but still see nothing.  The sound starts to get louder, my heart starts beating heavily.  I look at Ash, she is also alarmed. We stare at each other and slowly turn around.  The source of the sound was there, a wolf steps out of the trees, not 5 feet from us.  A low growl came from its throat, then it snaps at us.  It was the first time we really got a look at it.  This wolf was horrifying.  Razor sharp teeth, matted black fur and gruesome blood red eyes.


I was frozen in my skin.  I come to my senses and turn to Brin
“RUN!” I screamed.
We grab each others hand and run as fast as our legs would carry us.  Before long I notice Brin’s hand is slipping out of mine, then it is gone.
I turn around to see the most ghastly scene, Brin is hanging out of the wolfs mouth, screaming for her life.  The wolf turns and starts running, I follow as fast as I can.  I notice something I had never seen before in my life.  A black portal opened up in front of the running wolf, as it jumped through.  I ran after it, but I was too late.  The portal had disappeared.  I kept running, making sure to stay on the trail.  My eyes were filled with confusion and fury, I had to find help…