I’ve been away….

I’m glad to say I’m back from a kind of vacation of blogging…. I know it seems silly to vacation from blogging but in reality, LIFE HAPPENED. Plus it doesn’t help I have a horrid memory and the attention of a toddler. Speaking of, my little Korra is getting so big! 16 months just fly by when your chasing a little one. Plus birthdays, holidays and random doctor stuff with my sis and step dad. Time just escapes the brain without even realizing. My life has indeed been busy as of late. Mainly with chasing Korra around the house and coming up with new ideas to make her laugh and have fun. Winter is just now setting in. Korra doesn’t really know what to think of it. I’m trying to get into WoW, and I love it but the only time I can play is when Korra is napping, if I am doing anything on the pc she wants to be in my lap seeing what I’m doing. I may as well change this blog title…. My mind is all about Korra now….


Drifting off to sleep

As I lay in bed thinking of today’s events, my baby girl is sound asleep in her crib, as well as her daddy asleep next to me. I try not to be a night owl sometimes, but I can not help my desire to stay up late and watch tv or blog in this case. Today’s events were not very hectic… Korra and I got up around 11, then I went to town for a little while, I got home then played with Korra for a bit, and then I hung the bookshelf I made in korras room, then watched tv and waited to my husband to get home. I have a pretty standard routine. Nothing very exciting hardly happens to me. But laying here in bed thinking of today’s events, I think upon all the love I have for my family and how blessed I am to deserve their love back.