Very fun- busy day

Today my niece and nephew came over for a visit, and for the first time, all three of the kids were chasing and yelling and having a ball. Then afterwords we all went up to ya-ya’s house and had a good chicken dinner. We all had a blast playing and hanging out. After Korra and I came back down she curled up on my lap and watched me play my iPad. It was 5 mins I noticed she had dosed off! She rarely falls asleep on me, she must have been so tired to have done that.

Time is irrelevant Ina child’s eye I think. They pout or fuss when it’s time to go, time for a clean diaper, time to go to bed, or time do do something else. The transitions between activities are the toughest for me and Korra.

I’m rambling again, my mind jumps from one thing to another with no common threads or meaning…. I hope you enjoy my pointless ramblings :))!

Quote of the post 🙂
“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”

Willie Nelson

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